1、 Finite Discrete Element Method (FDEM) and Multiphysical Field Fracture Analysis Software MultiFracS Technical Training Course
Meeting link:https://csrme.scimall.org.cn/meeting/PXYX/
2、 Theory and practical operation training of domestic hydraulic fracturing rock mechanics finite element analysis software StimXFinite
Meeting link: https://csrme.scimall.org.cn/meeting/PXGC/
3、 Stability analysis of rock mass engineering based on microseismic monitoring
Meeting link: https://csrme.scimall.org.cn/meeting/PXJY/
4、 Application of NumericalBox3D, a rock discrete numerical calculation software
Meeting link: https://csrme.scimall.org.cn/meeting/PXYS/
Charging standard: free
5、 Discrete Element Method and MatDEM Technical Training
Meeting link: https://csrme.scimall.org.cn/meeting/PXLS/
6、 CASRock Engineering Rock Mass Stability Analysis Training
Meeting link: https://csrme.scimall.org.cn/meeting/PXCA/
Charging standard: free
7、 GDEM Series Software (Version 2.0) Training Meeting
Meeting link: https://csrme.scimall.org.cn/meeting/PXGD/
Charging standard: free
8、 DDA discontinuous deformation analysis series method training class
Meeting link: https://csrme.scimall.org.cn/meeting/PXDDA/
Charging standard: free
9、 Massflow Training Course on Numerical Simulation Software for Dynamic Process of Surface Disasters
Meeting link: https://csrme.scimall.org.cn/meeting/Massflow/
10、 Particle three-dimensional shape analysis software PMA_ Training Course of MAT and Non spherical Particle Discrete Element Software SudoDEM
Meeting link: https://csrme.scimall.org.cn/meeting/kl3w/